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Petrographic, Physical and Mechanical Characterization of Rocks from Angola as Dimension Stones



Widnélia Lopes, Isabel Fernandes, Matilde Costa e Silva, Amélia Dionísio




Angola territory is composed of a wide diversity of rocks, with the predominance of recent sedimentary rocks, in the East provinces, and metamorphic and igneous rocks outcropping in the Western region. The exploitation of dimension stone is a relevant industrial sector for this country, corresponding to thousands of cubic meters of stone produced each year and exported to countries all over the world. The selection of dimension and ornamental stones is dependent on both their aesthetic features and physical-mechanical properties, bearing in mind the specific application. In the present work, six types of igneous rocks from the provinces of Cuanza Norte, Benguela, Huíla, and Namibe were selected and studied both by petrographic analyses and by laboratory tests for physical and mechanical characterization. Although these rocks are commercially known as “granites” they correspond to granite, granodiorite, and gabbro as was confirmed by their visual appearance, and chemical and mineralogical composition. The laboratory tests performed aimed at the characterization of the colour and the determination of the open porosity, the water absorption by total immersion, the unit volume, the ultrasonic pulse velocity, the dynamic elastic modulus, the linear thermal expansion coefficient, the flexural strength under concentrated load and the uniaxial compressive strength. The results obtained show that all the rocks are compact, with high unit weight, low porosity values, high dynamic elastic modulus, and high mechanical strength values. Based on these parameters, some considerations are made concerning their adequacy as ornamental stones.

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