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Geotechnical Investigation for Reconstruction of Županijski Complex Požega


Ivan Baranašić, Ivan Alivojvodić, Dino Posarić



Old downtown of city Požega was build in 18th century during the reign of Austro-Hungarian Empire. The center of the main complex is situated between the Palača velikog župana and Županijska palača on the east and medieval building on the west. The modern reconstruction includes an underground garage and two new buildings. Geotechnical investigation was conducted on the basis of conceptual architectural design, Rusanov ured do.o., Zagreb, 2022. Geotechnical investigation included exploratory drilling, CPTu testing, laboratory testing and geophysical surveys with masw and seimic refraction method. According to general geological data of the area, the complex was built on alluvial sediments with lateral alteration (changes) with loess deposits. Geotechnical investigation gave a more detail insight about the relationship of alluvial and loess strata and the location of the aquifer, which was also confirmed with geophysical survey and exploratory drilling. This relationship was defenied as an interval layers change of sand and gravel with clay materials.
Based on the results of field investigation and laboratory testing geotechnical soil model was created. On the basis of geotechnical soil model the foundation depth of the buildings and underground garage will be determined. It will also provide guidelines for choosing excavation technology of foundations and construction pits, along with shielding and support technology of construction pits and nearby buildings.

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