Assessment of Soil Behavior in Seismic Excitations by Exploring Different Approaches
Kemal Edip, Davor Stanko, Julijana Bojadjieva, Radmila Salic-Makreska, Vlatko Sheshov
In geotechnical earthquake engineering seismic site response analysis is a very complex task, which has gained an increasing importance for the last decades. This paper aims to numerically simulate the effect of an earthquake input in different types of soil layers in order to get the dynamic amplification factor. The methodology for correctly simulation of seismic waves propagation includes thorough theoretical background aided with different softwares (Shake, Deepsoil, Strata and Plaxis) which allow the simulation of soil as nonlinear material model or small strain linearly elastic material.
The verification of the model is done by comparison of numerical results in relation to two different soil profiles from Varazhdin, Croatia and from Skopje, Macedonia. The proposed approach should demonstrate and illustrate the special points in taking into account the modelling of different layers. The earthquake input is given as acceleration signal which in case of low densities of soil material are prone to initiate higher amplifications. Finally, the advantages and limitations of the proposed numerical model are discussed in detail.